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Martina Turesson

Year of Birth: 1989


Resident: Karlskrona




Blender, Substance Painter, Photoshop

Maya, Mudbox


2D art - illustration, concept art, texturing

3D modeling, props

This is me

I'm a driven digital artist currently living in southern Sweden who, ever since childhood, have had a passion for art that never left me. Early on I knew that I wanted to pursuit a career as an artist and has never given up on my dreams. I have attended a number of different art schools and courses in traditional as well as digital art. 


Uses the program Blender along with Substance Painter to create my 3D pieces and always strive to improve my skills. 

2D art has been a part of my days for almost my whole life, skills that has severed me well as concept artist and illustrator during my educations. 


When not improving my 3D skills, I enjoy storytelling, playing video games or working on my own art projects. 


PlaygroundSquad, Falun - 3D game graphics

Wanting to take my knowledge of 3D to the next level and learn more about the game industry. I attended to PSQ where I gained valuable knowledge about game development as well a deeper knowledge of how to make 3D graphics.

Ädelfors, Vetlanda - 3D game graphics

Here is were I was introduced to 3D art for the first time as well as the basics of game graphics.


St: Sigfrids, Växjö - Traditional and modern art

At this course, I learned more about creating art with traditional tools such as painting with oil and acrylic. As well as figure drawing and sculpting with clay.


Work experience


Shatterplay Studio - 2023

A remote internship at Shatterplay Studio where I create props and items for their upcoming game Unaki. The studio sends me reference pictures for the kinds of models they want and later discuses them and gives me feedback over Discord.

Pixelbite - 2019-2020

I spent six months as an intern for the game studio Pixelbite in Helsingborg. The studio behind mobile game series such as Space Marshals and Xenowerk Tactics along others. While there, I contributed as a Graphic Artist creating props for the courses in the third installment of the Space Marshals series.

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